Saturday 2 July 2016

Brexit and a load of headless chickens

I am in Greece for my youngest granddaughter's 21st. A mature Greek man Eileen and I met at my daughter's language school opened up a conversation with the words "Congratulations and thank you, it's just like 1940 when England stood against the tyrannical Nazi Germany alone, she is now standing alone against a tyrannical EU dominated by Germany". He was wrong, there are many similarities to 1940 but this time we are standing against much of the world hell bent on a GLOBALISATION  programme. If you don't think that globalisation, led by the corrupt Illuminati /Bilderberg group, is fact,  read Jason Carter's excellently researched book "The Trumpet Blast Warning". Globalisation,  of which the EU is part, is about killing off democracy and the subjugation of the world's free people.
Certainly the vote to leave the EU would have caused temporary uncertainty but the current financial market turmoil is largely down to the reaction of our political leaders. David Cameron's cowardly resignation within hours of the result was enough to exaggerate the reaction but the rest of the politician's decent into political infighting has caused a situation that is now probably a severe and unnecessary financial crisis. If David Cameron had stood in Downing Street on the morning of Friday 24th June and made a Churchillian speech of " we will fight them on the beaches etc"  quality and the rest of the politicians instead of fighting  leadership battles were standing with him putting the country's needs first rather than their own selfish political ambitions. If the ruthless Nicola Sturgeon, she truly is a Lady McBeth,  had not used the political turmoil to promote her ambitions do you really think that the current crisis would have been anywhere near as bad?
Top Gear at the end of a recent series lined up all the vehicles Great Britain manufactures along the Mall, add to that other areas we excel in and you will see that the only real worry we should have is our political leadership and our rejection  of Christianity. We do not have a financial problem we have a moral problem!
England founded as a Christian country according to Churchill 's "History of the English Speaking Peoples" has been dragged away from Christianity since WWll resulting in our descent into a morally bankrupt society, including the state Church of England. We need to once again  turn to Christ in prayer, as we did in May 1940 when our troops were stranded on the beaches at Dunkirk. 3 miracles happened then and the troops were brought home, Christ will support us again and raise up a leader or leaders that are capable of taking us through the current crisis. I promise you we will  come out of this as a confident world leading country, for good, again and I call on my generation, those born in and before the WWll to show the same steel and make the same sacrifices our parents did to pass on blessed life we have had to today's children.
 My prayer is for the Queen at this time, may her counsel be wise.